Hi, I’m An.

I’m the sole content creator of this blog and also work as a private tour guide.

To inquire about my availability for bespoke private walks, contact me at:

+44 7742098448

or via social media:


Most of my tourists tell me how much time they have in London and what their interests are, and I prepare an optimized walking tour for them around the places that interest them the most.

I can also tailor a tour based on your interests.

Alternatively, you can choose from one of my most popular walks, with the full list provided below.


During this walk, you’ll discover the most fascinating stories associated with the 6 main attractions of London located in the Westminster district (Buckingham Palace, London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, 10 Downing Street, and Scotland Yard), as well as see one of the royal parks, a 300-meter graffiti tunnel, and film sculptures at Leicester Square.


During this walk, you’ll discover the most fascinating stories associated with the 8 main attractions of London located in the oldest parts of the city (City & London Bridge). St. Paul’s Cathedral, Millennium Bridge, Tate Modern, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, The Shard, London Bridge, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, and a lot more!

Prime Meridian of the World, Beautiful Architecture, and Great Londoners – a walking tour around Greenwich! (1,5h)

See the place where the royal family used to go for centuries to rest from the crowded (and dirty!) London, which has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997! See the streets where outstanding scientists, painters, architects, controversial kings, and even the Tsar of Russia, Peter The Great, walked! Learn where the Prime Meridian runs, how the fastest ship in the world looked before the invention of the engine, how to check the time using a red ball, and where you can find a monument to a dead parrot!

Fires, wars, Harry Potter, and money! – City of London walking tour (2h)

Discover who and when founded London? Why does the oldest district of London look like the youngest? Who designed over 50 churches in London’s City and where are the national reserves of gold of Great Britain kept? Visit the beautiful Leadenhall Market, through which Harry Potter strolled with Hagrid, the garden inside the church, and one of the most interesting old pubs in London, standing in the place where King Henry VIII in the 16th century DID NOT get a divorce!

East End with a touch of Shakespeare and Jack the Ripper, i.e. a walk around Brick Lane! (2,5h)

A 2.5-hour walk around the district of London made famous at the end of the 19th century by the infamous Jack the Ripper. In addition to the iconic Brick Lane street, you will also see the place where the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was first performed (and it was not the Globe Theatre!), the largest former brewery in London, as well as a building where all the world’s biggest religions were practiced!

The Beatles London Walking Tour! (3h)

Although John, Paul, George, and Ringo took their first steps on the music scenes in Liverpool (United Kingdom) and Hamburg (Germany), it was London that became their home during their tumultuous seven-year reign atop the global charts in the 1960s.
Join me for a walk through London, which will take you through several iconic Beatles-related locations.
Abbey Road Studios, the pedestrian crossing from the band’s iconic cover, the place where Beatlemania began, the rooftop where they played their final concert, and much more!
During this walk, we will take a short subway journey from Abbey Road to central London.

Agatha Christie Walking Tour of London!! (2h)

A 2-hour walk that will allow you to look at London through the prism of the inspiring and full-of-interesting-twists life of one of the best-selling authors of all time, the undisputed Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie. During the walk, you will learn how and why 4-year-old Agatha taught herself to read, where she gained her knowledge of poisons, why her first book was almost her last, and why in 1962, in an exclusive 5-star hotel in London, you could see a half-ton mouse trap!

To Hire a Guide, or Not to Hire…?!

On this website, I share with you self-guided walking tours of London.

But I am also a private tour guide, and in this post, I will try to convince you that using the services of a tour guide will exponentially enrich your experience of visiting London.

So, hear me out!

6 Reasons to Hire a Tour Guide in London

1. Money-saving…!

Can this be true??!!

With a knowledgeable guide who knows the city well, you can see 3-4 times more places in London in the same amount of time compared to navigating on your own, especially if you are not familiar with the city.

Considering the significant cost of accommodation in London, this can save you money.

In fact, the shorter your stay in London, the more you need a tour guide!

2. Hear what others don’t hear…

Most buildings you see in London are less than 200 years old.

However, London is 2,000 years old, and the best stories are buried in the past!

A good London guide can uncover the mostly invisible 1,800 years of history that are not visible to the naked eye.

3. See what others don’t see

My experience with tourists has taught me that most people visiting London are only aware of about 10-20% of the main attractions available here.

Don’t even get me started on hidden gems!

A guide can expose you to the remaining 80% of great spots you had no clue existed.

4. Time-saving

Many tourists spend a significant amount of their time in London staring at their phones or maps, trying to figure out which way to go and what else to see!

Do you really want to do that on your holiday?

Let the guide show you around for a phone- or map-free experience.

5. Less Trouble

The most obvious advantage of having a private guide is skipping the hassle of all the research.

What to see? How much time is needed for it? Where are the toilets, restaurants? Where to buy a souvenir!

The guide will know all the answers!

6. Personalized your experience

Myself and most private guides I work with always tailor the private walking tours to the needs and interests of the participants, so you can see what actually interests you most.

Reach out to learn more: